About Us

Welcome to Marang Beyai Memorial Nursery School!

Marang Beyai Memorial Nursery School foundation stone was laid on the 1st of April 2012 and the school was officially opened on the 4th of November 2014. The nursery school was built by The Gambia Volunteers Trust. It is a community nursery school which entirely depends on donations and fundraising. The school is in a deprived 20141106_130440area and in great need of support/volunteers and child sponsorship. The school has over 150 children between the ages of 3 to 7 years.

Marang Beyai Memorial Nursery is a good school that places great importance on the success of its pupils. Children are assessed regularly and effective support ensures children make progress. An innovative curriculum has been designed to ensure that children take part in exciting lessons and that they play an active part in their own learning.

As a school we love working with parents and we are looking for an increasing army of volunteer helpers to support us during the school day.

The only true way to find out about our school is to walk through the door and experience the positive atmosphere. We look forward to welcoming you into our school community!

Please feel free to contact the school direct with any queries you may have.nursery

Thank you for visiting!

Lamin Saho

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